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VeroVitalis – High-quality nutritional supplements from Mycolife for your well-being



Welcome to Verovitalis, your partner for premium Mycolife holistic mushroom and herbal liquid extracts, developed as dietary supplements to support a health-conscious lifestyle. Our products are based on natural ingredients and are manufactured under strict quality standards to ensure they meet your needs.


As a dietary supplement, our extracts help to naturally supplement your daily diet and promote general well-being. They are not medicines and are not a substitute for a balanced diet or medical treatment. Our focus is on offering you a simple and effective way to supply your body with valuable vital substances from nature - natural, sustainable and scientifically based. Trust Verovitalis to support your health in a natural way.


A personal path to health and Verovitalis: The story behind our brand


Hello, my name is Veronika and I am the founder of Verovitalis. Discovering the power of Mycollife holistic mushrooms in liquid extracts in March 2024 marked a turning point in my own journey to health.

However, the inspiration for Verovitalis began in 2009 when my father was diagnosed with cancer. At that time, a combination of chemotherapy and mushroom capsules helped him to significantly improve his quality of life and live until 2017. This experience had a profound impact on me.

My own health was also a challenge for a long time: intolerances, metabolic problems, severe vitamin and iron deficiencies - all of this had a significant impact on my well-being. But since I started to consciously focus on my health and take the liquid extracts regularly, my condition has improved noticeably.

My personal journey motivated me to found Verovitalis - to give other people access to high-quality products that promote well-being and health in a natural way. Verovitalis is more than a brand, it is my vision to combine the best of nature with modern science.

Meine Ausbildung zur Mykotherapeutin

Leidenschaft für Vitalpilze kombiniert mit wissenschaftlichem Know-how und praktischer Erfahrung

Nachdem ich meine Ausbildung zur zertifizierten Mykotherapeutin erfolgreich abgeschlossen habe, kann ich mein Fachwissen über Vitalpilze nun gezielt weitergeben. Die Forschung auf diesem Gebiet entwickelt sich kontinuerlich weiter, und es ist mir eine Herzensangelegenheit, diese Erkenntnisse praxisnah und verständlich zu vermitteln. Ein Höhepunkt meiner beruflichen Weiterbildung war meine Teilnahme am 12ten International Mycological Congress (IMMC12) in Bari – wo ich tiefgehende Einblicke in die neuesten Entwicklungen der Mykotherapie gewinnen konnte. Ich wurde besonders von der Begegnung mit Paul Stamets inspiriert, einem führenden Experten der Pilzforschung. Seine Arbeit hat die moderne Anwendung von Pilzen maßgeblich beeinflusst und bestärkt mich darin, das Wissen über Vitalpilze weiterzugeben. Meine Hauptaufgabe besteht darin zuverlässige Informationen über die Verwendung von Vitalpilzen bereitzustellen und ihr großes Potenzial in verschiedenen Lebenssituationen bekannt zu machen. Die Natur hält erstaunliche Lösungen bereit – mein Bestreben ist es sicherzustellen diese gezielt und effektiv einzusetzen.

Glycerin-based liquid extracts – The perfect combination of nature and quality


Our liquid extracts use glycerin as a base, a thoughtful choice to ensure the quality and purity of the products. This natural solvent preserves the delicate compounds in mushrooms and herbs particularly gently. Thanks to its special properties, glycerin ensures that:

The ingredients remain stable: The active ingredients retain their effectiveness and remain active throughout the entire period of use.

A pleasant intake is possible: The natural sweetness of the glycerin gives the extracts a mild taste that makes them appealing.

The shelf life is guaranteed: Our products stay fresh longer and retain their positive properties without additional preservatives. With this formulation, we rely on a process that not only preserves the quality of the ingredients, but also ensures comfortable use - for natural support at the highest level.

Manufacturing process – Quality you can rely on



Our production process follows a precise 7-step system that combines efficiency and purity to ensure the highest quality standards:


  1. Selection of raw materials: We only use carefully selected, high-quality mushrooms from certified organic cultivation, which are subject to strict quality controls.

  2. Soaking: The mushroom raw materials are gently soaked to break down the cell structures and facilitate the release of valuable ingredients such as polysaccharides.

  3. Water and alcohol extraction: A combination of water and alcohol extraction isolates both water-soluble and alcohol-soluble active ingredients such as polysaccharides and triterpenes.

  4. Filtration: The liquid is purified through a multi-stage filter system to remove unwanted particles and ensure the purity of the extracts.

  5. Alcohol-free formulation: The alcohol is completely removed after extraction, creating a patient-friendly, alcohol-free product.

  6. Homogenization with glycerin: The extract is stabilized with vegetable glycerin, which protects the active ingredients, improves shelf life and makes the taste pleasant.

  7. Final inspection and bottling: Before bottling, each batch undergoes strict quality control to guarantee the purity, stability and safety of the final product.

Sustainable origin and the highest quality standards

Our products begin where purity and responsibility go hand in hand:

High-quality raw materials: Our mushrooms come from Tyroler Glückspilze®, an organic mushroom farm that guarantees the highest standards in cultivation and processing.

Careful production: From cultivation to the finished extract, all steps take place in a closed and sustainable system. Thanks to these processes, you receive products that make a difference not only for you, but also for the environment.

Progress through Precision
Our extracts are the result of a unique manufacturing process that combines purity and stability. Using the latest technologies, we guarantee:

Alcohol-free products for maximum tolerance. Stable and high-quality formulations that preserve the natural character of the ingredients. Optimal concentration that makes each serving an effective addition to your daily diet.

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